Organizational Documents
Towards a Sanitation Strong GWOPA Strategy. 2023-2025
GWOPA is committed to improving sanitation services along the entire value chain through the Water Operator’s Partnerships. The strategy complements GWOPA's overall 2020-2024 Strategy to ensure sanitation consideration is boosted across the Alliance's strategic plan.
Organizational Documents
Global Water Operators' Partnerships Alliance Charter
The Charter of the Global Water Operators’ Partnerships Alliance (GWOPA), version dated 9 May 2022.
Organizational Documents
GWOPA Strategy 2020-2025
The 2020-2025 GWOPA Strategy is a medium-term vision to promote and encourage the partnerships between water stakeholders through a new framework of actions, providing donors and partners a clear vision for collaboration and cooperation.
Organizational Documents
Evaluation of the Global Water Operators' Partnerships Alliance (GWOPA) Strategy 2013-2017. Executive Summary
This evaluation of GWOPA's five-year strategy 2013-2017 reflects the achievements, the lessons GWOPA has learned throughout these years and the key findings. The paper also suggests the way forward for the Alliance.
Organizational Documents
GWOPA Strategy 2013-2017
The GWOPA Strategy is a medium-term vision to promote and encourage the partnerships between water stakeholders through a new framework of actions, providing donors and partners a clear vision for collaboration and cooperation.