Regional and National WOP Platforms foster WOPs practice among utilities from neighbouring countries.
Frequently embedded within professional associations, WOPs platforms support intra-regional (mostly south-south) WOPs. Each platform is different, responding to local needs and context. The platforms tend to bring together the local water and sanitation utilities and financial institutions, and are encouraged to involve other WOP stakeholder groups.
In certain countries, there is a need to establish a National WOP platform that can facilitate WOPs among operators in the same country or coordinate WOPs with international partners. In collaboration with the regional WOP platform, GWOPA supports this initiative.
Active WOP platforms are now operating in several regions and countries and are an integral part of the Alliance.
WOP-Africa is the regional hub for WOPs in sub-Saharan Africa. A program of the African Water Association (AfWA), the regional WOP platform was established in Johannesburg in 2007 by representatives of over 50 African Water Utilities with support from UN-Habitat, the Water and Sanitation Programme of the World Bank, and the International Water Association.
Although twinning and partnerships had long been practiced in Africa, the Hashimoto Action Plan created the momentum and political will to build an African platform to significantly scale up WOPs on the continent. GWOPA supported the first year of the platform by funding the position of the Programme Manager, supporting initial twinning activities and helping the African Water Association (AfWA) secure funds for its WOPs programs. The WOP-Africa Secretariat is currently comprised of 3 staff members, led by Dr. Simeon Kenfack. The Secretariat is based in Abidjan, Ivory Coast, at the AfWA’s headquarters and is responsible for core functions:
- Overall planning, coordination and monitoring
- Fundraising and financial planning
- Liaisons with GWOPA
- Communication and dissemination
- Demand-based TA and support to help groups of partners to prepare sub-programs/project
The WOP-Africa Program Steering Committee gathers all key stakeholders. Its role is to provide strategic guidance, foster coordination and facilitate relationships with funding partners.
Asia-Pacific - WaterLinks
Established in 2008, WaterLinks is a fully independent, non-profit organization operating across Asia. Principal WaterLinks activities are:
- WOPs support and facilitation (over 70 WOPs to date);
- Regional capacity building program development (e.g. training, toolkits, manuals, studies); and
- Knowledge management and networking.
GWOPA collaborates with Waterlinks to facilitate WOPs and develop thematic materials.
In the Pacific region, GWOPA has been working in collaboration with the Pacific Water and Waste Association (PWWA) to respond to demand by the water and sanitation utilities of these small island developing states for increased regional exchange and cooperation. PWWA is a member of GWOPA’s International Steering Committee Meeting since 2009.
The platform was launched in September 2010 at the Pacific Water Conference in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea. The platform’s secretariat is hosted by PWWA, the regional association of organisations operating in the water and wastewater sectors whose mission is the delivery of quality water-related services that enhance the wellbeing of people throughout the region.
The Pacific Water and Wastewater Association (PWWA) is a not for profit organization and was established in 1994 to support the Pacific region in meeting all water challenges both at the national and regional level. From voluntary membership that brought together utilities and people dedicated to bringing Pacific water issues to the fore, PWWA grew over time to an established regional organization with its permanent Secretariat established and recognized in 2017, following some dynamic reforms. Its headquarters is in Samoa with 4 full time staff including the Chief Executive Officer.
PWON (Pakistan)
In South Asia, GWOPA has supported the establishment of PWON, the national WOP platform in Pakistan.
The network of urban water supply and sanitation service providers in Pakistan has been entrusted with the mandate to help water and sanitation operators to extend services to all. P-WON is supporting Pakistan’s utilities, as well as other WSS Operators, in their efforts to achieve universal watsan coverage throughout Pakistan. Presently, P-WON Secretariat is based in WASA Lahore Head Office building and gathers 13 WASAs from all Pakistani regions.
Through PWON’s network, utilities share their knowledge and experiences with each other. The network is headed by a Chairman and its Secretariat is run by a National Coordinator. The Chairman is elected by members/WSS operators of PWON after three years.
PERPAMSI (Indonesia)
The national platform for WOPs in Indonesia is PERPAMSI, an independent water supply association founded in 1972. As of 2019, PERPAMSI’s members have reached 438 water utilities, most of which are public water utilities belonging to the local/regional governments.
The main role of PERPAMSI is to assist the government of Indonesia and support capacity development of its members in providing better services to customers. Water Operators’ Partnerships (WOPs) are a tool used by PERPAMSI to support its members’ performance improvement. As a WOP facilitator, PERPAMSI encourages its members to help one another in building their capacity based on the spirit of solidarity, having organized 59 national WOPs since 2011 as of today.
Latin America and Caribbean
WOP-LAC is the regional platform for WOPs in Latin America & the Caribbean (LAC). It facilitates WOPs and brings together regional operators for knowledge exchange and capacity development activities.
The regional platform was established in October 2007 when the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) hosted the Secretariat in the frame of the initiative of Aqua, launched to support the Millennium Development Goals related to water and sanitation for Latin-America and the Caribbean. Since August 2013, the Secretariat is hosted by AySA, as a contribution to ALOAS, and it receives the permanent support of GWOPA and IDB. WOP-LAC has coordinated over 47 WOPs, involving more than 40 operators form 18 countries in the region. The good practices shared through the WOPs have allowed the beneficiaries to improve their performance in areas such as: water sources protection, drought management, water quality monitoring, metering, sewerage system maintenance and rehabilitation, plant start up, and capacity building.
Cari-WOP is the regional platform for WOPs in the Caribbean and is part of the larger geographical WOP platform for Latin America and the Caribbean (WOP-LAC).
Cari-WOP was established in 2011 and held its first Steering Committee meeting in 2013. The permanent Secretariat of Cari-WOP is co-hosted by the two professional water associations in the region: the Caribbean Water and Sewerage Association, CAWASA and the Caribbean Water and Wastewater Association, CWWA.
National WOP Platforms in LAC
Three national WOP platforms are active under the GWOPA umbrella. These platforms, hosted by national water associations, organize WOPs and other capacity development activities between utilities at country level.