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Case Studies Africa

Water Operators‘ Partnership. Case Study: Nakuru Country, Kenya (NAWASSCO, NARUWASCO & NAIVAWASCO) Kenya, Mentee – VEI B.V., The Netherlands, Mentor

The Water Operator's Partnership between VEI and Nakuru County from 2017 to 2021 had the main goal to increase and improve water and sanitation services in Nakuru County in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), by promoting benchmarking activities, increasing water and sanitation coverage, increasing water supply, improving distribution management (non-revenue water, and establishing a strong customer-support mechanism.
Case Studies Africa

Water Operators‘ Partnership. Case Study: VEI, Utrecht, The Netherlands, Mentor – Mwanza Urban Water Supply and Sewerage Authority (MWAUWASA), Mwanza, Tanzania, Mentee

The Water Operators' Partnership between VEI and MWAUWASA aimed to improve the operational and financial performance of MWAUWASA through on-the-job training in the development and implementation of an non-revenue water reduction plan, geographic information systems, online reporting system, asset management, hydraulic modelling, management and leadership training, as well as policy and study development, such as a pro-poor strategy.
Case Studies

Water Operators‘ Partnership. Case Study: World Waternet, The Netherlands, Mentor - Société Malienne de Gestion de l'Eau Potable (SOMAGEP-HER), Mentee

The main objective of the Water Operators' Partnership between World Waternet and SOMAGEP-HER was to strengthen SOMAGEP-HER to provide sustainable water services to urban poor people in Mali by improving the entire organization, including leadership, human resources, finance, customer services, asset management and non-revenue water. The partnership also aimed to increase the utility's revenue and bankability in order to enable SOMAGEP-HER to...
Case Studies Africa

Water Operators‘ Partnership Case Study: Vitens Evides International (VEI), Mentor – National Water and Sewerage Corporation (NWSC), Kampala, Uganda, Mentee

The overall objective of this Water Operators' Partnership (WOP) in the framework of WaterWorx between VEI and National Water and Sewerage Corporation (NWSC) was to strengthen NWSC in the sustainable delivery of cost-effective water services to a rapidly growing urban population. The partnership aimed to assist NWSC with the implementation of a asset management strategy and address the challenges to establishing and implementing a comprehensive...
Case Studies Africa

Water Operators‘ Partnership Case Study: Dunea, The Netherlands, Mentor – Homa Bay County Water & Sanitation (Homawasco), Kenya, Mentee

The Water Operators' Partnership between Homawasco and Dunea aimed to contribute towards increased sustainable access to and use of improved water supply, sustainable sanitation and proper hygiene practices among low-income urban dwellers in Homa Bay County.
Fact Sheets

Wastewater-based Epidemiology: Poop Never Lies! - Webinar Series: Utilities Fight COVID-19

Although wastewater has been monitored for viruses and pollutants for years, the practice rose to prominence sharply during the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. Studies have shown that environmental surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 signals, or biomarkers (typically RNA), helps determine both the prevalence of disease and the overall health of a community. As such, it could act as a low-cost early warning system to monitor resurgences or...
Organizational Documents


Organizational Documents

GWOPA Charte

Organizational Documents

Global Water Operators' Partnerships Alliance Charter

The Charter of the Global Water Operators’ Partnerships Alliance (GWOPA), version dated 9 May 2022.
Policy Briefs & Reports Global

GWOPA Annual Report 2021

This Annual Report showcases the activities and achievements of the Global Water Operators’ Partnerships Alliance in 2021.
Policy Briefs & Reports

Utility Climate Action Webinar Outcome

This report first presents key take aways and recommendations on technical/financial, peer learning/collaboration and governance/administration aspects followed by experiences and useful lessons from eight utilities from across the world, in preparing and implementing emergency response plans as well as responding to extreme weather events and their impacts on water supply, water and wastewater infrastructure, and utility personnel. We hope it...
Tools & Guidelines Europe

Customer Survey Guidelines

Developed by WaterWorX Community of Practice Customer Relations, this document intends to serve as a guideline for setting up and improving a customer survey.