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Fact Sheets Latin America and the Caribbean

Water Operators’ Partnership between Empresa Municipal de Saneamiento Básico de Puno Sociedad Anónima (EMSAPUNO S.A.) Peru – Companhia de Saneamento de Minas Gerais (COPASA MG) Brazil

This fact sheet shows the highlights og the Water Operators' Partnership between EMSAPUNO Peru and COPASA Brazil.
Policy Briefs & Reports

2nd Global Water Operators’ Partnerships Congress. Summary Report

This report summarizes the proceedings of the second congress GWOPA, held in Barcelona in 2013, with its themes finance and results of Water Operators' Partnerships (WOPs), learning approaches, capacity development for non-revenue water management, water workers and risk reduction, along with an overview on the regional WOP platforms work, recent performance and future goals.
Tools & Guidelines

Performance Improvement Plan Manual

A performance improvement plan (PIP) is a comprehensive strategic work plan developed to address a variety of utility management issues, with the aim of improving utility performance and enabling the utility to achieve its short- and medium-term objectives. One of these objectives may be improving services to the urban poor. This guide is a planning tool developed in collaboration with water operators building on lessons learned rom their water...
Case Studies Africa

Water Operators’ Partnerships in Africa. Case Study 3: Bulawayo City Council and eThekwini Water and Sanitation

The Water Operators' Partnership (WOP) between Bulawayo City Council, Zimbabwe, and )eThekwini Water and Sanitation, City of Durban, South Africa, which was facilitated by the Australian Agency for International Development, World Vision and Department of Trade and Industry, South Africa, was to reduce the vulnerability to waterborne diseases through improved sewerage, water supply systems, capacity-building and hygiene promotion in Bulawayo City...
Policy Briefs & Reports Global

GWOPA Annual Report 2013

This Annual Report provides an overview of the activities and achievements of the Global Water Operators’ Partnerships Alliance in 2013.

Learning Approaches in Water Operators’ Partnerships. Framing the Issues

The aim of the paper is to provide the conceptual basis for understanding capacity development and learning approaches in Water Operators' Partnerships (WOPs), that have been arisen from the second Global WOPs Congress, held in Barcelona in November 2013. The paper also makes an important initial contribution to the Boosting Effectiveness of Water Operators' Partnerships (BEWOP) project, a five-year collaboration between UN-Habitat's Global Water...
Case Studies Africa

Water Operators’ Partnerships in Africa. Case Study 2: Mwanza Urban Water and Sewerage Authority, Tanzania - Dunea N.V., Netherlands

The Water Operators' Partnership (WOP) between Mwanza Urban Water and Sewerage Authority (MWAUWASA), Tanzania, and Dunea N.V., Netherlands, which was facilitated by the European Commission through the European Union Water Facility – Partnerships for Capacity Development in the Africa Caribbean Pacific Water and Sanitation Sector, aimed for developing affordable and sustainable water and wastewater services for the Mwanza urban area and improved...
Case Studies

Water Operators’ Partnerships in Africa. Case Study 1: FIPAG, Mozambique - Vitens-Evides International, Netherlands

Water Operators' Partnership (WOP) between Fundo de Investimento e Património do Abastecimento de Água (FIPAG), Mozambique Vitens-Evides International, Netherlands, which was facilitated by the Ministry of of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands through its Directorate‑General for International Cooperation, helped develop and improve sustainable water supply services in the cities of Chókwè, Inhambane, Maxixe and Xai-Xai.
Organizational Documents

GWOPA Strategy 2013-2017

The GWOPA Strategy is a medium-term vision to promote and encourage the partnerships between water stakeholders through a new framework of actions, providing donors and partners a clear vision for collaboration and cooperation.
Case Studies Africa

Case Study on Utilities' Good Practices. Kafubu Water and Sewerage Company Limited, Zambia

This paper describes good practices of Kafubu Water and Sewerage Company Limited (KWSC), Zambia in its efforts to increase water supply coverage and availability and performance of management projects, while reducing non-revenue water. It also shows projects in peri-urban areas under the Performance Enhancement Fund and the implementation of the Regulation By Incentives mechanism in the utility, as well as lessons learned and areas for...
Case Studies Africa

Case Study on Utilities' Good Practices. Swaziland Water Services Corporation (SWSC), Kingdom of Swaziland

The paper showcases good practices of the Swaziland Water Services Corporation (SWSC) in developing a digital management initiative to reduce non-revenue water and the use of a global positioning system to map metered connections.
Case Studies Africa

Case Study on Utilities' Good Practices. Municipality of Walvis Bay, Namibia

The paper presents good practices of the Namibia Water Corporation Limited (NamWater). The utility has a low rate of non-revenue water and good coverage, but was faced with disruptions of service delivery due to flooding. The utility explains how it achieved good performance and prevented future damages of future floods.