Policy Briefs & Reports
GWOPA Annual Report 2016
This Annual Report showcases the activities and achievements of the Global Water Operators’ Partnerships Alliance in 2016.
Policy Briefs & Reports
National Water Operators' Partnership. An Underused Opportunity for Locally Led Water Utility Capacity Development
National Water Operators' Partnerships (WOPs) are an underused opportunity for locally-led water utility capacity development. National WOPs are taking place in a number of countries, but as they are generally small in nature and self-funded, they often go under the radar of global WOPs monitoring. Although few studies have been conducted on National WOPs, they are assumed to carry many of the advantages of south-south partnerships: such as...
Policy Briefs & Reports
Knowledge Management of WOPping Water Operators
Many water operators in developing countries face serious knowledge and capacity-related challenges that lead to poor service delivery. Water Operators' Partnerships (WOPs) are used as a mechanism to strengthen the capacity of water operators for improved performance, by transferring new knowledge from mentoring water operators to mentee water operators. This study investigates knowledge management processes of water operators and the factors...
Fact Sheets
Water Operators' Partnership between Fundo de Investimento e Património do Abastecimento de Água (FIPAG) Mozambique - Vitens Evides International (VEI) Netherlands
This factsheet details the long-term WOP accompanied by signficant investments between FIBAG and VEI. Capacity development approaches involved exchange visits, study tours, formal and on-the-job training, workshops, coaching and joint planning. VEI placed a fulltime resident coordinator in Mozambique and sent teams of visiting experts.
Fact Sheets
Water Operators' Partnership between Mwanza Urban Water and Sewerage Authority (MWAUWASA) Tanzania - Dunea N.V. Netherlands
This factsheet details the long-term WOP between MWAUWASA and Dunea, entailing exchange visits, staff surveys, training, coaching and demonstration. In addition to the two utilities, the WOP involved staff trade unions and a local film institute.
Fact Sheets
Water Operators’ Partnership between Bulawayo City Council (BCC) Zimbabwe - eThekwini Water and Sanitation (EWS) South Africa
The WOP was a component of the Bulawayo Water and Sanitation Emergency Response (BOWSER) programme, a coordinated international effort following the 2008–2009 cholera outbreak. The WOP supported Bulawayo City Council with technical training and advice and implementing hygiene education campaigns.
Case Studies
Latin America and the Caribbean
Belize Water Services and Contra Costa Water District. Water Operators' Partnership Case Study
This case study details the water operators' partnership (WOP) between Belize Water Services (BWS) and Contra Costa Water District (CCWD) in California, United States from 2009-2016.
Policy Briefs & Reports
GWOPA Annual Report 2015
This Annual Report presents the highlights of the activities and achievements of the Global Water Operators’ Partnerships Alliance in 2015
Policy Briefs & Reports
Third Global WOPs Congress and GWOPA General Assembly
This report summarizes the outcomes of the Third Global WOPs Congress that took place in Barcelona, Spain in September 2015.
Tools & Guidelines
A Tool for Coastal and Small Island State Water Utilities to Assess and Manage Climate Change Risk
This guidebook is designed to help utilities identify and assess climate change manifestations that impact adversely on their operations and formulate a credible response.
Case Studies
Latin America and the Caribbean
COPASA MG (Brazil) and EMSAPUNO S.A. (Peru). Water Operators’ Partnership Case Study
The present report analyses the water operators’ partnership (WOP) between the Empresa Municipal de Saneamiento Básico de Puno Sociedad Anónima (EMSAPUNO S.A.), located in the department of Puno, Peru, and the Companhia de Saneamento de Minas Gerais (COPASA), located in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. In this WOP, EMSAPUNO is the recipient partner or mentee, while COPASA is the mentor utility. The partnership aims to support EMSAPUNO in the development...
Fact Sheets
Latin America and the Caribbean
Water Operators’ Partnership between Belize Water Services (BWS) Belize – Contra Costa Water District (CCWD) California, USA
This fact sheet details the water operators' partnership (WOP) between Belize Water Services and Contra Costa Water District (California, USA).