Male - Maldives
Total cost:
USD $0
8 months 4 weeks
31 October 2010
30 July 2011
Working Areas
Operation & Maintenance
Sanitation & Hygiene Services
Organizations Involved
Malé Water and Sewerage Company — Lead Mentee
Indah Water Konsortium Sdn Bhd — Lead Mentor
6.2Access to adequate and equitable sanitation and hygiene for all
Project description
This focus on training Baliwag and Cabanatuan City Water Districts on septage management program
Project main objectives
In a multiple-recipient WOP model, IWK would focus its training on Baliwag and Cabanatuan City Water Districts since they have expressed readiness to build a facility and implement a septage management program. These two institutions would receive more intensive assistance in the form of draft reviews, ongoing remote consultations, and on-site assessments while other participating cities at similar stages of developing their septage programs would attend selected WOP activities when opportune and gain feedback on their progress
Most significant results
November 2010
Partners Kick Off Collaboration in Malaysia. IWK organized and hosted a 3-day workshop in Kuala Lumpur to initiate its multi-partnership with five Philippine Water Districts (Baliwag, Calamba, Cabanatuan, Laguna, and Metro Cebu) and Maynilad (a Manila-based operator). In the event, IWK introduced the Philippines contingent to a range of septage collection and treatment technologies; demonstrated operating systems and conditions; and trained on technology selection and facility sizing and development. The Philippine partners also introduced their septage management plans. All partners also developed their joint work plan

January 2011
First Workshop and MoU-Signing in the Philippines. The first training in the Philippines used the information gathered and initial decisions made in Kuala Lumpur including sizing of the plant and fleet, type of technology to use, and initial conceptual design to review and finalize the discussion on plant and fleet sizing, technology approach, finalization of conceptual plans, programming cycles, implementation phasing, costs, and specifications. Participants were able to visit Maynilad’s facilities and learned more about their septage management program. IWK provided lectures on septage management that included designs and various technologies for the treatment plant, septage collection, and tankers specifications.

April 2011
Second Training in the Philippines. The second training in the Philippines held in Baliwag, Bulacan made use of the initial designs and decisions made in Manila including site development layout, residual disposal strategies, and preparation of bill of quantities. The three-day training reviewed the discussion on calculating the footprints of all facility components, flow and volume of influent, effluent, and residuals, final technology design, mode of procurement, and how each will engage private sector and other stakeholders in the project. A quick site visit to Baliwag Water District’s proposed site was done during the first day. IWK conducted lectures on fail-proofing the facilities, engaging the private sector, how to evaluate technologies, health and safety, and procurement process. Maynilad provided a lecture on engaging the stakeholders. As a result of this activity, participants finalized their choice of technology for the treatment plant and decided whether they will do the construction and operations by themselves or by private contractors.
June 2011
Third Training in the Philippines. The third training in the Philippines was held in Cabanatuan City. The three-day workshop allowed participants to review progress of their work particularly the detailed design of treatment facilities and procurement issues and activities, to learn best practices in preparing a desludging works program, developing field data forms, procedure and office record management system, and managing the desludging operational costs. It also helped participants to understand how government regulates septage management programs and how the program should be advocated to the public.

July 2011
Second training in Malaysia. The second training in Malaysia was held in Kuala Lumpur and Malacca. The three-day workshop provided the participants an understanding of the best practices employed by IWK in operating and maintaining desludging fleets and treatment facilities. The participants also discussed issues and proposed solutions for operating and maintaining their proposed plants and trucks. Under the guidance of IWK, participants conducted a hands-on training on operating and maintaining facilities through actual exposure to IWK’s built and mock facilities. This was done together with a delegation from Indonesia representing PDAMs who are in partnership with IWK also on improving septage treatment services.