Salta - Argentina
Latin America and the Caribbean
Total cost:
USD $0
2 years
31 March 2010
31 March 2012
Working Areas
Energy Efficiency and Climate Change Mitigation
Organizations Involved
Compañía Salteña de Agua y Saneamiento S.A. — Lead Mentee
Companhia de Saneamiento Ambiental do Distrito Federal — Lead Mentor
Inter-American Development Bank
WOP-Latin America and the Caribbean
6.4Increased water-use efficiency and sustainable withdrawals and supply of freshwater
Project description
The first memorandum of understanding signed in 2010 formalised IDB's commitment to providing funds to put the partnership on track. According to this agreement, the primary objective of the partnership during this period was to support Aguas del Norte in developing its energy efficiency plan (e.g. including resource optimisation and autonomous energy production). The reduction and treatment of algae blooms in surface water sources as well as the disposal of wastewater treatment residue were also on the agenda. Period of implementation 2010–2012.
Most significant results
Improved stock management and integration of new technology, including speed variation pumping for wastewater in three plants, automation pilot system (SCADA) and remote control. Renegotiation of 450 energy supply contracts to reduce penalties/costs and adapt tariffs leading to more than US$100,000 in savings.