The Steering Committee guides the GWOPA Secretariat, helping to define direction, review progress, and provide critical feedback on implementation. Members are elected for a four-year mandate, with staggered elections ensuring continuity. Only institutional members are eligible to vote and serve on the Committee.

About the Steering Committee (SC)

1. Representing diverse stakeholders from various geographical contexts.

2. Providing strategic direction and offering recommendations to the GWOPA Secretariat.

3. Embodying the collaborative spirit of the Alliance by reflecting the needs and views of different constituencies.

Current Composition

The Steering Committee is comprised of a fixed number of representatives from the following stakeholder categories: public water operators or associations representing different regions, development partners, civil society organizations, labour unions and private operators, international multi-stakeholders organizations or networks, Development Cooperation agencies, Development Finance Institutions, national and sub-national governments, research and learning institutions, regulators, asset holding companies. Current donors to GWOPA also have a seat on the SC.

UN-Habitat's Executive Director chairs the Steering Committee, ensuring a diverse, balanced representation of GWOPA’s global membership.

Pre-election Steering Committee Members | Current Steering Committee Members

2024 Elections Overview

Elections were held electronically from 18 September to 29 September 2024 for Public Water and Sanitation Utilities from Africa (1 seat), Latin America (2 seats), the Caribbean (1 seat), Western Europe (2 seats), North America (1 seat), Eastern Europe (1 seat), Asia (2 seats), the Pacific (1 seat), and Arab States (1 seat). Additional categories included Private Water and Sanitation Utilities and Associations (2 seats), Civil Society Organizations (1 seat), Worker and Trade Unions (1 seat), and Other NGOs, UN Organizations, and International Stakeholders (2 seats).

In constituencies where the number of candidates matched available seats, elections were not held, and those seats were filled without a vote.

Provisional Election Results

The 2024 Steering Committee election results have been announced and will be formally endorsed at the GWOPA Assembly on 2 November 2024. Newly elected members will serve a four-year term.

Key Election Results:

Africa: Nyeri Water and Sanitation Company Limited (Kenya), Representative: Ms. Esther Ngugi

Western Europe: Società Metropolitana Acque Torino S.p.A. (Italy), Representative: Mr. Armando Quazzo
World Waternet (Netherlands), Representative: Mr. Frodo Van Ostveen

International Stakeholders: ICLEI (Germany), Representative: Mr. Anton Earle
Water Integrity Network (Germany), Representative: Ms. Rebecca Sands

Seats Filled Without Elections

In constituencies where the number of candidates equaled the available seats, the following members were appointed without an election:

Latin America: Unidad Municipal Aguas de Siguatepeque (Honduras), Representative: Mr. Fernando Luis Villalvir Martinez

Caribbean: Dominica Water and Sewerage Company (Dominica), Representative: Mr. Magnus Williams

Eastern Europe: Budapest Waterworks (Hungary), Representative: Mr. Géza Csörnyei

Asia: Indah Water Konsortium (Malaysia), Representative: Mr. Azuan Ahmad Zahdi
Tirta Mayang Jambi City (Indonesia), Representative: Mr. Dwike Riantara

Arab States: Water Supply and Sewerage Authority (WSSA) (Bethlehem, State of Palestine), Representative: Mr. Akram Nassar