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Tools & Guidelines

Complaint Process Guidelines

Developed by WaterWorX Community of Practice Customer Relations, this document intends to serve as a guideline for setting up and improving the customer complaint process.
Policy Briefs & Reports

Water and Sanitation Operators Managing and Responding to Natural Disasters in a Changing Climate

This policy brief provides an overview of the current context and relevant initiatives implemented by water and sanitation operators in their response to natural disasters and climate-related hazards. It explores operators’ tools and mechanisms aimed at securing water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) for all during times of crises, including the governmental and regulatory measures that seek to secure long-term service sustainability through...
Policy Briefs & Reports

4th Global WOPs Congress Report

This report provides an overview of the proceedings of 4th Global WOPs Congress from 18-29 October 2021.
Policy Briefs & Reports Global

GWOPA Annual Report 2020

This Annual Report provides an overview of the activities and achievements of the Global Water Operators’ Partnerships Alliance in 2020.
Policy Briefs & Reports Global

GWOPA Annual Report 2019

This Annual Report presents the highlights of the activities and achievements of the Global Water Operators’ Partnerships Alliance in 2019.
Research Europe

National Water Operators' Partnerships: Short Term Exchanges between Greek Operators

National Water Operators’ Partnerships are an underused opportunity for locally-led water utility capacity development. National WOPs are taking place in a number of countries, but as they are generally small in nature and self-funded, they often go under the radar of global WOPs monitoring. Although few studies have been conducted on national WOPs, they are assumed to carry many of the advantages such as easier knowledge sharing owing to...
Tools & Guidelines

BEWOP Tool Series: Operational Tools for Better WOPs

BEWOP's operational tools were co-developed and tested with water professionals involved in the daily operations of water operators' partnerships (WOPs). The overall idea behind them is to facilitate the dialogue and sharing of experiences between experts involved in WOPs.
Tools & Guidelines

BEWOP Tool Series: Water Supply Governance Analysis and Assessment. Operational Tool

Water issues tend to be intrinsically linked to technical challenges. This tool invites readers to consider aspects of governance alongside technical dimensions when analysing and assessing water supply. The tool aims to support professionals in water utilities, acting as a guideline to reflect and discuss water governance challenges and alternatives. This framework supports users to critically articulate objectives, opportunities, and challenges...
Tools & Guidelines

Framework for Analyzing Water Operators' Partnerships

This publication serves to provide WOP practitioners and interested parties with a structure by which these partnerships can be evaluated and communicated. The framework presents step-by-step guidance to develop dynamic, tailored and user-friendly case studies that inspire, challenge and support the many practitioners struggling to build and maintain good WOP projects that contribute to a significant impact.
Organizational Documents

GWOPA Strategy 2020-2025

The 2020-2025 GWOPA Strategy is a medium-term vision to promote and encourage the partnerships between water stakeholders through a new framework of actions, providing donors and partners a clear vision for collaboration and cooperation.
Fact Sheets Asia

Water Operators' Partnership between Da Nang Water Supply Joint Stock Company (DAWACO) Viet Nam and VEI - Dutch Water Operators (VEI) Netherlands

Produced under the BEWOP initiative, this fact sheet documents the partnership between Vietnamese water utility, Da Nang Water Supply Company (Dawaco), and Dutch company, VEI, between 2007 and 2010. Eight years after the end of this WOP, the case study describes the WOP with the improvements made in capacity and performance and presents the results of this WOP that have been sustained since.
Fact Sheets Latin America and the Caribbean

Partenariado entre los Operadores de Unidad Municipal "Aguas de Siguatepeque" Honduras - Empresa Pública Metropolitana de Agua Potable y Saneamiento (EPMAPS) Ecuador

Producido bajo la iniciativa BEWOP, este factsheet documenta el partenariado entre la Unidad Municipal Desconcentrada “Aguas de Siguatepeque” (Honduras), y la Empresa Pública Metropolitana de Agua Potable y Saneamiento (EPMAPS, Ecuador) entre 2017 y 2018. Este folleto describe el WOP y la capacitación y mejoras que permitió.