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Case Studies Asia

Water Operators‘ Partnership. Case Study: VEI, Utrecht, The Netherlands, Mentor – Bayawan-Bogo-Carcar-Toledo, The Philippines (Phase I), Mentee

The first phase of the Water Operators' Partnership (WOP) between VEI and Bayawan Water District, Carcar Water District, Toledo City Water District and Bogo Water District was focused on connecting as many people as possible to safe and reliable water supply services and, where applicable, sanitation services, while ensuring the four mentee water districts are operationally and financially sustainable going forward. In addition, due to unique...
Case Studies Africa

Water Operators‘ Partnership. Case Study: Nakuru Country, Kenya (NAWASSCO, NARUWASCO & NAIVAWASCO) Kenya, Mentee – VEI B.V., The Netherlands, Mentor

The Water Operator's Partnership between VEI and Nakuru County from 2017 to 2021 had the main goal to increase and improve water and sanitation services in Nakuru County in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), by promoting benchmarking activities, increasing water and sanitation coverage, increasing water supply, improving distribution management (non-revenue water, and establishing a strong customer-support mechanism.
Case Studies Africa

Water Operators‘ Partnership. Case Study: VEI, Utrecht, The Netherlands, Mentor – Mwanza Urban Water Supply and Sewerage Authority (MWAUWASA), Mwanza, Tanzania, Mentee

The Water Operators' Partnership between VEI and MWAUWASA aimed to improve the operational and financial performance of MWAUWASA through on-the-job training in the development and implementation of an non-revenue water reduction plan, geographic information systems, online reporting system, asset management, hydraulic modelling, management and leadership training, as well as policy and study development, such as a pro-poor strategy.
Case Studies

Water Operators‘ Partnership. Case Study: World Waternet, The Netherlands, Mentor - Société Malienne de Gestion de l'Eau Potable (SOMAGEP-HER), Mentee

The main objective of the Water Operators' Partnership between World Waternet and SOMAGEP-HER was to strengthen SOMAGEP-HER to provide sustainable water services to urban poor people in Mali by improving the entire organization, including leadership, human resources, finance, customer services, asset management and non-revenue water. The partnership also aimed to increase the utility's revenue and bankability in order to enable SOMAGEP-HER to...
Case Studies Africa

Water Operators‘ Partnership Case Study: Vitens Evides International (VEI), Mentor – National Water and Sewerage Corporation (NWSC), Kampala, Uganda, Mentee

The overall objective of this Water Operators' Partnership (WOP) in the framework of WaterWorx between VEI and National Water and Sewerage Corporation (NWSC) was to strengthen NWSC in the sustainable delivery of cost-effective water services to a rapidly growing urban population. The partnership aimed to assist NWSC with the implementation of a asset management strategy and address the challenges to establishing and implementing a comprehensive...
Case Studies Africa

Water Operators‘ Partnership Case Study: Dunea, The Netherlands, Mentor – Homa Bay County Water & Sanitation (Homawasco), Kenya, Mentee

The Water Operators' Partnership between Homawasco and Dunea aimed to contribute towards increased sustainable access to and use of improved water supply, sustainable sanitation and proper hygiene practices among low-income urban dwellers in Homa Bay County.
Case Studies Latin America and the Caribbean

Belize Water Services and Contra Costa Water District. Water Operators' Partnership Case Study

This case study details the water operators' partnership (WOP) between Belize Water Services (BWS) and Contra Costa Water District (CCWD) in California, United States from 2009-2016.
Case Studies Latin America and the Caribbean

COPASA MG (Brazil) and EMSAPUNO S.A. (Peru). Water Operators’ Partnership Case Study

The present report analyses the water operators’ partnership (WOP) between the Empresa Municipal de Saneamiento Básico de Puno Sociedad Anónima (EMSAPUNO S.A.), located in the department of Puno, Peru, and the Companhia de Saneamento de Minas Gerais (COPASA), located in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. In this WOP, EMSAPUNO is the recipient partner or mentee, while COPASA is the mentor utility. The partnership aims to support EMSAPUNO in the development...
Case Studies Oceania

Water Authority of Fiji (WAF) - Hunter Water Australia (HWA). Water Operators’ Partnership Case Study

The present report analyses the Water Operators’ Partnership between the Water Authority of Fiji (WAF), headquartered in Suva, Fiji, and Hunter Water Australia (HWA), located in Newcastle, Australia. WAF is the mentee partner, while HWA is the mentor utility. The partnership aims to build hands-on knowledge and share working methods to rapidly improve water service performance.
Case Studies Latin America and the Caribbean

Aguas del Norte, Salta, Argentina and Caesb, Brasilia, Brazil. Water Operators' Partnership Case Study

The present report analyses the Water Operators’ Partnership (WOP) between the Compañía Salteña de Agua y Saneamiento S.A. (Aguas del Norte), located in the province of Salta, Argentina, and the Companhia de Saneamento Ambiental do Distrito Federal (Caesb), located in the federal district of Brasília, Brazil. In this WOP, Aguas del Norte is the recipient partner or mentee, while Caesb is the mentor utility. The partnership aims to strengthen...
Case Studies Arab States

ONEE, Morocco - SIAAP, Paris, France. Water Operators' Partnership Case Study

The present report describes the Water Operators' Partnership (WOP) between the Office National de l’Électricité et de l’Eau Potable (ONEE, the national water, sanitation and electricity utility for Morocco) headquartered in Rabat, Morocco, and the Syndicat Interdépartemental pour l’Assainissement de l’Agglomération Parisienne (SIAAP, the sanitation utility of greater Paris), France. This ongoing partnership, which began in 2002, aims to...
Case Studies Africa

Water Operators’ Partnerships in Africa. Case Study 3: Bulawayo City Council and eThekwini Water and Sanitation

The Water Operators' Partnership (WOP) between Bulawayo City Council, Zimbabwe, and eThekwini Water and Sanitation, City of Durban, South Africa, which was facilitated by the Australian Agency for International Development, World Vision and Department of Trade and Industry, South Africa, was to reduce the vulnerability to waterborne diseases through improved sewerage, water supply systems, capacity-building and hygiene promotion in Bulawayo City...