Launched in September 2013, Boosting Effectiveness of Water Operators' Partnerships (BEWOP) is an innovative research and outreach initiative designed to enhance the effectiveness of WOPs worldwide. This project is a collaborative effort between IHE Delft, one of the leading capacity development institutes in the water sector, and UN-Habitat’s Global Water Operators’ Partnership Alliance (GWOPA).
Why does BEWOP matter?
Water operators are uniquely positioned to share valuable experiences and technical expertise with their peers. However, many operators encounter challenges due to a lack of pedagogical skills essential for effectively managing partnership processes. BEWOP addresses these challenges by strengthening the exchange of experiences and promoting effective change processes within WOPs. By combining the expertise of GWOPA and IHE, we are developing, disseminating and applying resources to enhance the effectiveness of these partnerships, ultimately leading to significant operational improvements.
Since its inception, BEWOP has undergone four phases:
In its fourth phase, BEWOP complements the ongoing EU-WOP Programme and its 22 WOP projects with a knowledge management initiative called EU-KNOW. It aims at optimizing the value of the knowledge capital around the EU-WOPs through creating and exchanging knowledge within, between and about these WOPs.
Key components:
Knowledge creation and dissemination: WOP-dedicated scientific publications, a Special Issue on WOPs in the IWA WASHDev Journal. Support to the Global WOPs Observatory, including the Partnership Management Platform (PMP).
Facilitate knowledge exchange and learning: Facilitate the Global WOPs community. Develop and facilitate tutor-led and self-paced online learning programmes. Facilitate the European WOP Enablers Group discussions and events.
Direct support to EU-WOP partners: Knowledge needs survey. Development and dissemination of guidance and tools for EU-WOP practitioners

In BEWOP3, GWOPA supported the Dutch-funded WaterWorX programme, a WOP initiative enabling 26 WOP projects globally over a period of 10+ years, marking a significant step towards enhancing water service delivery worldwide through knowledge management, increasing global visibility of the WOP concept and promotion of enabling frameworks for WOPs.
Key components:
Knowledge management: Through BEWOP3, utility partners engage in knowledge sharing through Communities of Practice, focusing on various themes. These communities serve as hubs for learning and collaboration, enabling WOP projects to benefit from each other's experiences.
Global visibility: GWOPA ensures the visibility of WaterWorX WOPs through case studies, lessons learned dissemination and social media outreach. By highlighting successful initiatives, GWOPA aims to inspire and motivate utilities worldwide to engage in WOPs.
Advocacy and support: BEWOP3 collaborates with WaterWorX to raise awareness and garner support for WOPs among European governments and financiers. By advocating for enabling frameworks and increased funding, BEWOP3 aims to expand the reach and impact of WOPs.

BEWOP1 dedicated to enhancing knowledge transfer and change processes within Water Operators Partnerships (WOPs), with the ultimate goal of maximizing operational improvements for water operators worldwide. In its first phase, the BEWOP project produced case studies and thematic research on WOPs that was translated into practical guidance and tools in BEWOP 2.
What changes is BEWOP bringing?