Policy Briefs & Reports
GWOPA Annual Report 2015
This Annual Report presents the highlights of the activities and achievements of the Global Water Operators’ Partnerships Alliance in 2015
Policy Briefs & Reports
Third Global WOPs Congress and GWOPA General Assembly
This report summarizes the outcomes of the Third Global WOPs Congress that took place in Barcelona, Spain in September 2015.
Tools & Guidelines
A Tool for Coastal and Small Island State Water Utilities to Assess and Manage Climate Change Risk
This guidebook is designed to help utilities identify and assess climate change manifestations that impact adversely on their operations and formulate a credible response.
Case Studies
Latin America and the Caribbean
COPASA MG (Brazil) and EMSAPUNO S.A. (Peru). Water Operators’ Partnership Case Study
The present report analyses the water operators’ partnership (WOP) between the Empresa Municipal de Saneamiento Básico de Puno Sociedad Anónima (EMSAPUNO S.A.), located in the department of Puno, Peru, and the Companhia de Saneamento de Minas Gerais (COPASA), located in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. In this WOP, EMSAPUNO is the recipient partner or mentee, while COPASA is the mentor utility. The partnership aims to support EMSAPUNO in the development...
Fact Sheets
Latin America and the Caribbean
Water Operators’ Partnership between Belize Water Services (BWS) Belize – Contra Costa Water District (CCWD) California, USA
This fact sheet details the water operators' partnership (WOP) between Belize Water Services and Contra Costa Water District (California, USA).
Fact Sheets
Latin America and the Caribbean
Water Operators’ Partnership between Overliggend Waterschap Multi-purpose Corantijn Project (OWMCP) – Suriname – World Waternet & Waterschap Rijn en IJssel (WWN & WRIJ) Netherlands
This fact sheet showcases the water operators' partnership between Water Operators’ Partnership between OWMCP Suriname and WWN & WRIJ Netherlands. From 2008 to 2012, the WOP involved numerous technical visits to develop work on management capacity, design and communication.
Case Studies
Water Authority of Fiji (WAF) - Hunter Water Australia (HWA). Water Operators’ Partnership Case Study
The present report analyses the Water Operators’ Partnership between the Water Authority of Fiji (WAF), headquartered in Suva, Fiji, and Hunter Water Australia (HWA), located in Newcastle, Australia. WAF is the mentee partner, while HWA is the mentor utility. The partnership aims to build hands-on knowledge and share working methods to rapidly improve water service performance.
Policy Briefs & Reports
GWOPA Annual Report 2014
This Annual Report reflects the activities and achievements of the Global Water Operators’ Partnerships Alliance in 2014
Case Studies
Latin America and the Caribbean
Aguas del Norte, Salta, Argentina and Caesb, Brasilia, Brazil. Water Operators' Partnership Case Study
The present report analyses the Water Operators’ Partnership (WOP) between the Compañía Salteña de Agua y Saneamiento S.A. (Aguas del Norte), located in the province of Salta, Argentina, and the Companhia de Saneamento Ambiental do Distrito Federal (Caesb), located in the federal district of Brasília, Brazil. In this WOP, Aguas del Norte is the recipient partner or mentee, while Caesb is the mentor utility. The partnership aims to strengthen...
Case Studies
Arab States
ONEE, Morocco - SIAAP, Paris, France. Water Operators' Partnership Case Study
The present report describes the Water Operators' Partnership (WOP) between the Office National de l’Électricité et de l’Eau Potable (ONEE, the national water, sanitation and electricity utility for Morocco) headquartered in Rabat, Morocco, and the Syndicat Interdépartemental pour l’Assainissement de l’Agglomération Parisienne (SIAAP, the sanitation utility of greater Paris), France. This ongoing partnership, which began in 2002, aims to...
Fact Sheets
Water Operators’ Partnership between Water Authority of Fiji (WAF) Fiji – Hunter Water Australia (HWA) Australia
This fact sheet informs about the water operators' partnership (WOP) between WAF Fiji and HWA Australia. The partners focused on six priority areas following a dynamic and participatory diagnosis, which resulted in an ambitious one-year work plan. The management of the WOP was informal however followed the initial plan. Classroom and on the job training, frequent remote exchanges and operational assistance visits allowed for the expected...
Tools & Guidelines
National WOPs Facilitation Guidelines
These guidelines were developed by the Indonesia Water Supply Association (PERPAMSI), supporting and facilitating national water operators' partnerships (WOPs). The guidelines advise on national WOPs based on the Indonesian experience and include a step-by-step guide to the process, covering brokering, diagnosis, work plan development and more.