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Case Studies Africa

Water Operators‘ Partnership Case Study: Vitens Evides International (VEI), Mentor – National Water and Sewerage Corporation (NWSC), Kampala, Uganda, Mentee

The overall objective of this Water Operators' Partnership (WOP) in the framework of WaterWorx between VEI and National Water and Sewerage Corporation (NWSC) was to strengthen NWSC in the sustainable delivery of cost-effective water services to a rapidly growing urban population. The partnership aimed to assist NWSC with the implementation of a asset management strategy and address the challenges to establishing and implementing a comprehensive...
Case Studies Africa

Water Operators‘ Partnership Case Study: Dunea, The Netherlands, Mentor – Homa Bay County Water & Sanitation (Homawasco), Kenya, Mentee

The Water Operators' Partnership between Homawasco and Dunea aimed to contribute towards increased sustainable access to and use of improved water supply, sustainable sanitation and proper hygiene practices among low-income urban dwellers in Homa Bay County.
Fact Sheets

Wastewater-based Epidemiology: Poop Never Lies! - Webinar Series: Utilities Fight COVID-19

Although wastewater has been monitored for viruses and pollutants for years, the practice rose to prominence sharply during the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. Studies have shown that environmental surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 signals, or biomarkers (typically RNA), helps determine both the prevalence of disease and the overall health of a community. As such, it could act as a low-cost early warning system to monitor resurgences or...
Organizational Documents

Global Water Operators' Partnerships Alliance Charter

The Charter of the Global Water Operators’ Partnerships Alliance (GWOPA), version dated 9 May 2022.
Policy Briefs & Reports Global

GWOPA Annual Report 2021

This Annual Report showcases the activities and achievements of the Global Water Operators’ Partnerships Alliance in 2021.
Tools & Guidelines Europe

Customer Survey Guidelines

Developed by WaterWorX Community of Practice Customer Relations, this document intends to serve as a guideline for setting up and improving a customer survey.
Tools & Guidelines

Complaint Process Guidelines

Developed by WaterWorX Community of Practice Customer Relations, this document intends to serve as a guideline for setting up and improving the customer complaint process.
Policy Briefs & Reports

Water and Sanitation Operators Managing and Responding to Natural Disasters in a Changing Climate

This policy brief provides an overview of the current context and relevant initiatives implemented by water and sanitation operators in their response to natural disasters and climate-related hazards. It explores operators’ tools and mechanisms aimed at securing water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) for all during times of crises, including the governmental and regulatory measures that seek to secure long-term service sustainability through...
Policy Briefs & Reports

4th Global WOPs Congress Report

This report provides an overview of the proceedings of 4th Global WOPs Congress from 18-29 October 2021.
Policy Briefs & Reports Global

GWOPA Annual Report 2020

This Annual Report provides an overview of the activities and achievements of the Global Water Operators’ Partnerships Alliance in 2020.
Policy Briefs & Reports Global

GWOPA Annual Report 2019

This Annual Report presents the highlights of the activities and achievements of the Global Water Operators’ Partnerships Alliance in 2019.
Research Europe

National Water Operators' Partnerships: Short Term Exchanges between Greek Operators

National Water Operators’ Partnerships are an underused opportunity for locally-led water utility capacity development. National WOPs are taking place in a number of countries, but as they are generally small in nature and self-funded, they often go under the radar of global WOPs monitoring. Although few studies have been conducted on national WOPs, they are assumed to carry many of the advantages such as easier knowledge sharing owing to...