Europe Other Reset filters Filter by Working areas Show all Other Asset Management Billing & Collection Efficiency Energy Efficiency and Climate Change Mitigation Human Resources/ Organizational Development Non-Revenue Water (NRW 1): Commercial Losses Management Operation & Maintenance Partnership Management Production Processes & Service Quality & Water Safety (Drinking Water) Tariff Setting Waste-water Collection & Treatment Theme Region Show all Europe Africa Arab States Asia Latin America and the Caribbean Northern America Oceania Platform Programme Utility platform for strengthening partnerships of municipal utilities worldwide Country Serbia Spain Ukraine 4 Status AllOngoingComplete Sort by DateTitle Status WOPs: Sort by Europe Duration: 3 years 11 months Start: 30 June 2019 End: 29 June 2023 Lviv - Ukraine WOP between Vodokanal Company Lviv, Ukraine and SEDD, Dresden, Germany Lead mentee: Vodokanal Company Lviv Lead mentor: Stadtentwässerung Dresden GmbH Europe Duration: 1 year 2 months Start: 31 August 2016 End: 30 November 2017 Subotica - Serbia WOP between JKP Vodovod i kanalizacija Subotica, Serbia and Budapest Waterworks , Hungary Lead mentee: Javno Poduzece za Komunalne Djelatnost Vodovod i kanalizacija (Public Utility Company Waterworks and Sewerage) Subotica Lead mentor: Budapest Waterworks Europe Duration: 0 seconds Start: 4 May 2010 Becej - Serbia WOP between JP Vodoknal Becej, Serbia and IVAKOP, Ivanić-Grad, Croatia Lead mentee: Javno Poduzece za Komunalne Djelatnost Vodokanal (Public Utility Company Waterworks and Sewerage) Becej Lead mentor: IVAKOP doo (limited liability company for communal services) Europe Duration: 0 seconds Start: 30 June 2008 Huelva - Spain WOP between GIAH, Huelva, Spain and CPAS, Sevilla, Spain Lead mentee: Gestión Integral Aguas Costa de Huelva Lead mentor: Consorcio Provincial de Aguas de Sevilla