Arab States Other Sanitation & Hygiene Services Reset filters Filter by Working areas Show all Other Sanitation & Hygiene Services Asset Management Billing & Collection Efficiency Catchment Management/ Integrated Water Resource Management – IWRM Climate Change Adaptation Customer Relations Emergency and Risk Management Energy Efficiency and Climate Change Mitigation Financial Management Gender Mainstreaming Governance & Institutional Relations Human Resources/ Organizational Development Information & Technology (GIS, IMIS, Smart Systems…) Investment Projects Non-Revenue Water (NRW 1): Commercial Losses Management Operation & Maintenance Partnership Management Production Processes & Service Quality & Water Safety (Drinking Water) Service in Low-Income Areas Waste-water Collection & Treatment Water Demand Management/Scarcity Planning Water Safety Planning Theme Region Show all Arab States Africa Asia Europe Latin America and the Caribbean Northern America Oceania Platform African Water and Sanitation Association Programme Utility platform for strengthening partnerships of municipal utilities worldwide WaterWorX Country Algeria Djibouti Jordan Lebanon Mauritania Morocco Palestine 10 Status AllOngoingComplete Sort by DateTitle Status WOPs: Sort by Arab States Duration: 4 years 11 months Start: 31 December 2021 End: 30 December 2026 Halhul - Palestine WOP between PWA-Halhul, Palestine and World Waternet, Amsterdam, Netherlands Lead mentee: Palestinian Water Authority-Halhul Lead mentor: World Waternet Arab States Duration: 0 seconds Start: 31 December 2019 Djibouti - Djibouti WOP between ONEA Djibouti and ONEA Burkina Faso, Ouagadougou Lead mentee: Office National de L'Eau et de L'Assainissement de Djibouti Lead mentor: Office National de l'Eau et de l'Assainissement de Burkina Faso Arab States Duration: 3 years 11 months Start: 30 June 2019 End: 29 June 2023 Amman - Jordan WOP between MIYAHUNA, Amman, Jordan and Hamburg Wasser - HWW, Germany Lead mentee: Miyahuna Amman Lead mentor: Hamburger Wasserwerke GmbH Arab States Duration: 2 years Start: 31 August 2015 End: 31 August 2017 Bethlehem - Palestine WOP between WSSA, Bethlehem, Palestine and BCASA, Barcelona, Spain Lead mentee: Water Supply & Sewerage Authority Bethlehem Lead mentor: Barcelona Cicle de l'Aigua Arab States Duration: 0 seconds Start: 3 June 2015 Algiers - Algeria WOP between ADE, Algiers, Algeria and SWDE, Verviers, Belgium Lead mentee: Algérienne Des Eaux Lead mentor: Société Wallonne Des Eaux Arab States Duration: 4 days Start: 24 November 2013 End: 28 November 2013 Rabat - Morocco WOP between ONEE Morocco, Rabat and ANEAS, Mexico City, Mexico Lead mentee: Office National de L'Electricité et de L'Eau Potable de Morocco Lead mentor: Asociación Nacional de Empresas de Agua y Saneamiento de México Arab States Duration: 0 seconds Start: 18 November 2013 Jezzine - Lebanon WOP between FSIEK, Jezzine, Lebanon and SIAAP, Paris, France Lead mentee: Federation ofSouthIqlim El Kharroub Municipalities Lead mentor: Service Public de l'Assainissement Francilien Arab States Duration: 11 months 4 weeks Start: 31 December 2011 End: 30 December 2012 Nouakchott - Mauritania WOP between SNDE, Nouakchott, Mauritania and Aguas del Huesna, Sevilla, Spain Lead mentee: Societe Nationale de L'Eau - Mauritania Lead mentor: Aguas y Servicios del Huesna A.I.E Arab States Duration: 0 seconds Start: 31 December 2004 Rabat - Morocco WOP between ONEE Morocco, Rabat and SWDE, Verviers, Belgium Lead mentee: Office National de L'Electricité et de L'Eau Potable de Morocco Lead mentor: Société Wallonne Des Eaux Arab States Duration: 10 years 5 months Start: 30 June 2004 End: 5 December 2014 Rabat - Morocco WOP between ONEE Morocco, Rabat and SIAAP, Paris, France Lead mentee: Office National de L'Electricité et de L'Eau Potable de Morocco Lead mentor: Service Public de l'Assainissement Francilien