Suriname Information & Technology (GIS, IMIS, Smart Systems…) Reset filters Filter by Working areas Show all Information & Technology (GIS, IMIS, Smart Systems…) Non-Revenue Water (NRW 1): Commercial Losses Management Operation & Maintenance Other Stakeholder Engagement Theme Region Latin America and the Caribbean Platform Programme Country Angola Argentina Belize Burkina Faso Cambodia Chad Colombia Costa Rica Côte d'Ivoire Ecuador Ethiopia Ghana Guatemala Honduras Indonesia Kenya Lao People's Democratic Republic Malawi Mali Mozambique Myanmar Nicaragua Nigeria Palestine Peru Philippines Rwanda South Africa Sri Lanka Suriname Thailand Tonga Trinidad and Tobago Uganda United Republic of Tanzania Vietnam Zambia Zimbabwe 1 Status AllOngoingComplete Sort by DateTitle Status WOPs: Sort by Latin America and the Caribbean Duration: 0 seconds Start: 30 September 2008 Nickerie - Suriname WOP between OWMCP, Nickerie, Suriname and WRIJ, Doetinchem, Netherlands Lead mentee: Overliggend Waterschap MCP Lead mentor: Waterschap Rijn en IJssel