Morocco Arab States Reset filters Filter by Working areas Customer Relations Operation & Maintenance Other Sanitation & Hygiene Services Service in Low-Income Areas Waste-water Collection & Treatment Theme Region Show all Arab States Platform Programme Country Algeria Djibouti Egypt Jordan Lebanon Mauritania Morocco Palestine Somalia Tunisia 3 Status AllOngoingComplete Sort by DateTitle Status WOPs: Sort by Arab States Duration: 4 days Start: 24 November 2013 End: 28 November 2013 Rabat - Morocco WOP between ONEE Morocco, Rabat and ANEAS, Mexico City, Mexico Lead mentee: Office National de L'Electricité et de L'Eau Potable de Morocco Lead mentor: Asociación Nacional de Empresas de Agua y Saneamiento de México Arab States Duration: 0 seconds Start: 31 December 2004 Rabat - Morocco WOP between ONEE Morocco, Rabat and SWDE, Verviers, Belgium Lead mentee: Office National de L'Electricité et de L'Eau Potable de Morocco Lead mentor: Société Wallonne Des Eaux Arab States Duration: 10 years 5 months Start: 30 June 2004 End: 5 December 2014 Rabat - Morocco WOP between ONEE Morocco, Rabat and SIAAP, Paris, France Lead mentee: Office National de L'Electricité et de L'Eau Potable de Morocco Lead mentor: Service Public de l'Assainissement Francilien