Asia Reset filters Filter by Working areas Asset Management Billing & Collection Efficiency Business Planning Catchment Management/ Integrated Water Resource Management – IWRM Climate Change Adaptation Customer Relations Energy Efficiency and Climate Change Mitigation Financial Management Gender Mainstreaming Governance & Institutional Relations Human Resources/ Organizational Development Information & Technology (GIS, IMIS, Smart Systems…) Investment Projects Non-Revenue Water (NRW 1): Commercial Losses Management Non-Revenue Water (NRW 2): Physical losses management Operation & Maintenance Other Partnership Management Production Processes & Service Quality & Water Safety (Drinking Water) Sanitation & Hygiene Services Service in Low-Income Areas Tariff Setting Waste-water Collection & Treatment Water Demand Management/Scarcity Planning Water Safety Planning Theme Region Show all Asia Africa Arab States Europe Latin America and the Caribbean Northern America Oceania Platform Indonesia Water Supply Association Pakistan Water Operators Network WaterLinks Programme EU-WOP Programme Sustainability Improvement Plan WOPs funded by OFID Water Smart Engagements WaterWorX Country Bangladesh Bhutan Cambodia China India Indonesia Lao People's Democratic Republic Malaysia Maldives Mongolia Myanmar Nepal Pakistan Philippines Sri Lanka Thailand Uzbekistan Vietnam 174 Status AllOngoingComplete Sort by DateTitle Status WOPs: Sort by Asia Duration: 51 years 9 months Start: 31 December 1969 End: 22 October 2021 Kathmandu - Nepal WOP between DWSS Nepal, Kathmandu and MWSI, Quezon City, Philippines Lead mentee: Department of Water Supply and Sewerage Nepal Lead mentor: Maynilad Water Services Inc. Asia Tanjung Pinang - Indonesia WOP between PDAM Tirta Kepri, Tanjung Pinang, Indonesia and PDAM Tirta Raharja, Kota Cimahi, Indonesia Lead mentee: Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum (Regional Water Utility Company) Tirta Kepri Lead mentor: Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum (Regional Water Utility Company) Tirta Raharja Asia Davao - Philippines WOP between DCWD, Davao, Philippines and VEI, Utrecht, Netherlands Lead mentee: Davao City Water District Lead mentor: VEI Dutch Water Operators Asia Zhengzhou - China WOP between ZZGS, Zhengzhou, China and CWW, Sunshine, Australia Lead mentee: Zheng Zhou Gongo Shui Water Supply Corporation Lead mentor: City West Water Ltd. Asia Vientiane - Lao People's Democratic Republic WOP between NPNL, Vientiane, Lao People's Democratic Republic and PPWSA, Phnom Penh, Cambodia Lead mentee: Nam Papa Nakhone Luang Lead mentor: Phnom Penh Water Supply Authority Asia Tashkent - Uzbekistan WOP between TSUE, Tashkent , Uzbekistan and K-Water, Daejeon, South Korea Lead mentee: Tashkent State Unitary Enterprise Lead mentor: Korea Water Resources Corporation Asia Pekalongan - Indonesia WOP between PDAM Kota Pekalongan, Indonesia and PBAPP, Penang, Malaysia Lead mentee: Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum (Regional Water Utility Company) Kota Pekalongan Lead mentor: Perbadanan Bekalan Air Pulau Pinang (Penang Water Supply Corporation) Asia Bogor - Indonesia WOP between PDAM Tirta Kahuripan Kabupaten Bogor , Indonesia and WCorp, Perth, Australia Lead mentee: Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum (Regional Water Utility Company) Tirta Kahuripan Kabupaten Bogor Lead mentor: Water Corporation Australia Asia Kota Serang, Banten - Indonesia WOP between PDAM Kota Serang, Kota Serang, Banten, Indonesia and RUB, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Lead mentee: Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum (Regional Water Utility Company) Kota Serang Lead mentor: Ranhill Utilities Berhad Asia Banjarmasin - Indonesia WOP between PD PAL Kota Banjarmasin, Indonesia and K-Water, Daejeon, South Korea Lead mentee: Perusahaan Daerah Pengelolaan Air Limbah (Regional Company for Waste Water Management) Kota Banjarmasin Lead mentor: Korea Water Resources Corporation Asia Tasikmalaya - Indonesia WOP between PDAM Tasikmalaya, Indonesia and PDAM Tirta Musi Palembang, Indonesia Lead mentee: Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum (Regional Water Utility Company) Tasikmalaya Lead mentor: Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum (Regional Water Utility Company) Tirta Musi Kota Palembang Asia Kepur - Indonesia WOP between PDAM Muari Enim, Kepur, Indonesia and PDAM Tirta Musi Palembang, Indonesia Lead mentee: Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum (Regional Water Utility Company) Muari Enim Lead mentor: Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum (Regional Water Utility Company) Tirta Musi Kota Palembang Asia pursat - Cambodia WOP between Purasat Waterworks, pursat, Cambodia and PPWSA, Phnom Penh, Cambodia Lead mentee: Purasat Waterworks Lead mentor: Phnom Penh Water Supply Authority Pagination First page « First Previous page ‹ Previous Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Current page 9