Bogotá - Colombia
Latin America and the Caribbean
Total cost:
USD $10,000
1 year 6 months
31 December 2015
30 July 2017
Working Areas
Billing & Collection Efficiency
Business Planning
Financial Management
Organizations Involved
Asociación de Organizaciones Comunitarias Prestadoras de Servicios de Agua y Saneamiento de Colombia — Lead Mentee
Federación Nacional de Cooperativas de Servicios Sanitarios de Chile — Lead Mentor
Universidad del Valle, Instituto Cinara
Technical Advice
6.4Increased water-use efficiency and sustainable withdrawals and supply of freshwater
Project description
FESAN was established in 2008 as a nonprofit organization of rural operators in Chile following the model of AQUACOL, which was created in Colombia years ago with the support of the Cinara Institute from the Universidad del Valle (UNIVALLE). Through various WOPS that were developed between FESAN and the Cinara Institute between 2010-2013, the Directors of AQUACOL and FESAN met and established strong links as they shared the same goals and principles. In the 6to Encuentro Latinoamericano de Organizaciones Comunitarias de Servicios de Agua y Saneamiento, held in Chile in 2015, they signed an MoU which led to this WOP, being tariffs and commercial management the main areas of interest.
Project main objectives
Themes: Tariffs and management

1.- AQUACOL will train FESAN in the formulation and calculation of tariffs for Rural W&S services.
2.- FESAN will train AQUACOL in the use of administrative and commercial tools for Rural W&S services.
Most significant results
Needs Assessed, Work Plan Developed
Lack of financing for WOPsLack of follow up financing