Mwanza - United Republic of Tanzania
Total cost:
USD $531,844
3 years
01 March 2022
01 March 2025
Working Areas
Partnership Management
Asset Management
Billing & Collection Efficiency
Gender Mainstreaming
Human Resources/ Organizational Development
Production Processes & Service Quality & Water Safety (Drinking Water)
Sanitation & Hygiene Services
Service in Low-Income Areas
Social Inclusion
Organizations Involved
Mwanza Urban Water and Sanitation Authority — Lead Mentee
VEI Dutch Water Operators — Lead Mentor
Hamburger Wasserwerke GmbH
Supporting Org
The European Union
FINISH Mondial, represented by WASTE
Supporting Org
6.1Universal and equitable access to safe and affordable drinking water for all
6.2Access to adequate and equitable sanitation and hygiene for all
6.3Improved water quality, reduced untreated wastewater and increased recycling & safe reuse
6.4Increased water-use efficiency and sustainable withdrawals and supply of freshwater
6.6Protected and restored water-related ecosystems (mountains, forests, wetlands, rivers, aquifers and lakes)
6.bSupported and strengthen the participation of local communities in improving water and sanitation management
Project description
Capacity Building on Water and Sanitation Services in Magu and Misungwi

This WOP will improve MWAUWASA's utilization (SDG6 coverage) and O&M capacity of GoT/EIB/AFD co-funded water and sanitation infrastructure in Misungwi and Magu satellite towns, hereby leveraging TA (VEI - MWAUWASA WWX WOP targeting Mwanza city), water (VEI, HAMBURG WASSER) and faecal sludge management/finance (FINISH Mondial) expertise.
Project main objectives
Performance outcomes (PO):
1. Improved operational performance of MWAUWASA zones Magu and Misungwi (ref. Obj. 1)
2. Improved financial performance of MWAUWASA zones Magu and Misungwi (ref. Obj. 1)
3. Increased access to water and sanitation services (SDG6) by low-income households (ref. Obj.3) through additional finance (ref. Obj. 2)

Communication and Knowledge Management (EUKnoW) activities aim to promote the WOP ‘model’ as a cost-effective modality for (‘peer-to-peer’) transfer of ‘hands-on’ knowledge and experience (ref. Obj. 4) in utility performance improvement.

Capacity Outcomes (CA): EU WOP activities will focus on strengthening the organizational and staff capacity of MWAUWASA in the below captioned Working Areas (WAs) to achieve the above captioned Performance Outcomes (PO1, PO2 and PO3):

1. Water production
Assessment and optimization of water treatment processes, in order to reduce chemical and energy costs and improve the quality of water for customers. (ref. PO1)
2. Water distribution
Reduction of NRW: physical loss reduction through improved speed and quality of repair by provision of novel tools and modern transport facilities. Commercial loss reduction through in-depth analyses (Customer Database), meter replacement and training of meter readers (ref. PO1, PO2)
3. Asset management
Implementation of a maintenance software as well as training on maintenance of the equipment, in order to avoid high operational costs or unnecessary breakdown (ref. PO1, PO2). Furthermore installation of GIS system including live access to GIS in the field in order to track leakages and identify (future) network rehabilitation needs. A
GIS-based hydraulic model will be developed to optimize flow and pressure (where needed) and enable trained MWAUWASA staff to: i) prepare (make designs for) network expansion plans in response to future growth scenarios; for -potential- funding under the “Team Europe Initiative Cities”), and ii) sustainably exploit (operate and maintain) these assets. (ref. PO2, PO3)
4. Customer relations and billing
An annual Customer Satisfaction Survey will be implemented and service level improvements will be monitored vis-à-vis the baseline year. Furthermore, plumbers and sales assistants (meter readers) will be trained and coached as the 'eyes and ears of MWAUWASA' in improving customer care. We anticipate an increase in revenue collection (efficiency) levels as a result of these activities and the community sensitization meetings (see further below). (ref.OP1)
5. Human resources management
An annual employee satisfaction survey will be implemented to monitor improvements in staff morale and motivation vis-à-vis the basline year. An external Tanzanian training bureau will be contracted to capacitate management and operational staff in various skills and competencies to improve the ‘working culture’. (ref. OP1, OP2)
6. Low income area management
A (potential) beneficiary survey will be implemented to identify low income households who are able and willing to pay for a service connection and/or toilet. This will be accompanied by community sensitization and stakeholder meetings in order to increase awareness on the value of treated water and improved sanitation. Furthermore, a micro-finance window will be established to provide small loans to the potential (low-income) customers to finance these new facilities (OP3).
7. Sanitation
Increase utilization of waste water stabilization ponds by increasing the number of households that benefit from the sanitation services (see WA6), and training of local entrepreneurs (emptying services, latrine construction) and improve the waste water quality. This will positively contribute to climate change adaption and environmental conservation (OP2).

8. Gender mainstreaming and social inclusion
Female-headed households will be favored in the selection of beneficiaries. The WOP will proactively pursue a gender balance (inclusion) in workshop and favor female candidates in job applications (in case of equal qualifications).
9. WOP project management/ Programme support
Apart from coordinating the above described activities in each Working Area, project management will oversee the timely submission of reports and pro-actively contribute to the Communication and Knowledge exchange ambitions of this EU WOP program.
Most significant results
Expected Results

1. Improved capacity and performance of the water and sanitation Beneficiary Partner(s) in relevant operational, financial, social and/or environmental sustainability/efficiency considerations
2. Additional finance for water and sanitation operational or infrastructure improvements
3. Strengthened capacity of Beneficiary Partner(s) to address cross-cutting considerations (climate change, human rights, gender, age and disability)
4. Strengthened capacity and commitment among WOP Partners to engage in Water Operators’ Partnerships beyond the scope of this programme.³¹
Performance gaps
Based on a fact-finding visit to Misungwi and Magu (February 2021) and further consultations between the 2 Zone Managers, project coordinator and VEI Project Manager in Mwanza in June 2021, the following performance gaps were identified:
1. Under-utilization of newly installed production (and distribution) assets: the production capacity (as well as transmission main and reservoirs) is currently underutilized (utilization currently stands at 26% / 24% of the total capacity for Misungwi / Magu) - due to insufficient secondary and tertiary network as well as community preferences for traditional sources (unprotected surface water, wells and springs). The latter requires community sensitization to stimulate the consumption of treated ‘tap water’.
2. Operation and Maintenance (O&M) of PRODUCTION assets: currently there is a lack of capacity for proper O&M of pumps, motors and other electro-mechanical/measurement equipment - due to insufficiently trained staff and lack of maintenance tools. Furthermore, there is a need for a maintenance software to record all assets including a maintenance program and work order system. Knowledge and understanding of the water treatment steps, dosing of treatment chemicals and process monitoring/optimisation too require training and coaching support.
3. O&M of DISTRIBUTION assets: currently there is a lack of capacity for proper O&M of the distribution network - due to insufficiently trained staff, a lack of plumbing tools, (measurement) equipment and transport. Furthermore, there is a need for a Geographic Information System (GIS) to record all assets and customers as well as a hydraulic model to simulate and optimize flow and pressure in the network. The old network, too, is still connected to the new network (in Misungwi only) and thus contributes to leakages and NRW losses. The GIS as well as hydraulic model will be used to design and budget a rehabilitation programme.
4. Under-utilization of newly installed waste water stabilization pond: waste water stabilization ponds are currently underutilized (utilization currently stands at 30% / 26% of the total capacity) - due to insufficient latrines, relatively high pit emptying fees as well as community resistance in adapting to the new situation.

Impact on beneficiary partner and its end-users
The presented performance gaps result in financial under-performance of both towns. As a result, the community does not yet fully (reap the) benefit(s) from the newly developed (EIB- funded) infrastructure.

Sensitization is required to create awareness of the risks of unimproved water sources and in doing so trigger behavioral change (willingness to pay for affordable good quality water). Furthermore, investments are lacking to increase service connection coverage (utilization of the existing distribution network) and service provision to low income households.