Mwanza - United Republic of Tanzania
Total cost:
USD $2,754,000
4 years
31 December 2011
02 January 2016
Working Areas
Billing & Collection Efficiency
Customer Relations
Non-Revenue Water (NRW 1): Commercial Losses Management
Operation & Maintenance
Production Processes & Service Quality & Water Safety (Drinking Water)
Organizations Involved
Mwanza Urban Water and Sanitation Authority — Lead Mentee
Dunea Duin and Water-The Netherlands — Lead Mentor
6.4Increased water-use efficiency and sustainable withdrawals and supply of freshwater
Project description
The aim of this WOP to improve the performance of Mwanza Urban Water & Sewerage Authority (MWAUWASA) through the provision of training and expertise
Project main objectives
Capacity building
Affordable and sustainable water and waste water services
Provide materials and services (water meters, workshop equipment, billing software)
Improve water governance
Most significant results
Improved collection of revenues
Improved work performance of MWAUSA staff (skills, knowledge)
Operational manuals, procedures and guidelines available/in use
Employee Satisfaction Survey implemented
Customer Satisfaction Survey implemented
Plan for ISO 17025 certification
Increased knowledge and skills laboratory staff: phytoplankton identification, microbiology and use of new modern equipment
Increased knowledge on methods of prevention and mitigation of eutrophication
Plan for improvement water quality data management, reports and access/distribution through Internet.