Belo Horizonte - Brazil
Latin America and the Caribbean
Total cost:
USD $0
1 year
27 July 2014
27 July 2015
Working Areas
Organizations Involved
Companhia de Saneamento de Minas Gerais, Brazil — Lead Mentee
Servicios de Agua y Drenaje de Monterrey I.P.D. — Lead Mentor
WOP-Latin America and the Caribbean
Project description
During the WOP regional workshop on social responsibility for water operators held in Montevideo between the 26th and the 27th of March of 2014, a conference organized by OSE, GWOPA and WOP-LAC and supported by the World Bank and AECID, were attended many representatives of operators and institutions in the water sector and sanitation from 14 countries in Latin America, the Caribbean and Spain.

The event was aimed to find agreements in the Corporate Social Responsibility area, to identify possible twinning operators in the region and supported by WOP-LAC.

The main aim of this WOP between Companhia de Saneamento de Minas Gerais (COPASA), from Brazil, and Servicios de Agua y Drenaje de Monterrey (SADM), from Mexico, is that the first one receives information and experiences from the second one for implementing codes of ethics and conduct.
Project main objectives
El Objetivo del presente WOP es contribuir en la mejora de la gestión en Responsabilidad Social Empresaria que lleva adelante COPASA, ordenando y mejorando esas acciones de acuerdo a lo estipulado en la ISO 26000, así como planificando las nuevas acciones que se ejecuten siguiendo los preceptos de esa norma.